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Δημοσιεύσεις σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά

Τα μέλη του εργαστηρίου δημοσιεύουν σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά διεθνούς κύρους, που στις σχετικές λίστες αξιολόγησης (π.χ. ABS, ISI impact factor), κατατάσσονται ανάμεσα στα κορυφαία.

2018 - 2020

1. Giannikis, S., Grougiou V., & Kapoutsis, I. (in press). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation on job stressors and the moderating role of high-performance work systems: Employee perspectives from two industries. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
2. Elbanna, S., Thanos, I.C., Jansen, R (2020). A literature review on strategic decision-making context: A synthesis of previous mixed findings and an agenda for the way forward. M@n@gement.
3. Kapoutsis, I., Papalexandris, A., Thanos, I. (2019). Hard, Soft, or Ambidextrous: Which Influence Style Promotes Managers’ Task Performance and the Role of Political Skill. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30, 618-647.
4. Κapoutsis, I. & Volkema, R., (2019). Hard-core toughie: Donald Trump’s negotiations for the United States presidency. Negotiation Journal, 35(1), 47-63.
5. Kapoutsis, I. & Thanos, I. C. (2018). Politics in organizations: Lessons, challenges and future directions. European Management Journal, 36(5), 589-592.
6. Kastanakis, M., Robinson, S., Tsalavoutas, Y., Fe rnando, M., Jonczyk, C., Stettner, U., Thanos, IC., Aharonson, B.., Potočnik, K., Zhang, H., Erz, A., Wallpach, S., Diedrich, A., Leupold, CR., Breen, L. (2019). Making a difference: Thoughts on management scholarship from the editorial team, European Management Journal, 37(3): 245-250, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2019.05.001
7. Kotaridi, C., Giakoulas, D. and Manolopoulos, D. (2019), “Escapism FDI from developed economies: The role of regulatory context and corporate taxation”, International Business Review, 28(1): 36-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.06.004
8. Lampaki, A. & Papadakis. V. (2018). The Impact of Organisational Politics and Trust in the Top Management Team on Strategic Decision Implementation Success: A Middle Manager’s perspective. European Management Journal, 36, 627-637. Doi: 10.1016/j.emj.2018.07.005
9. Manolopoulos, D. (2018), “Entrepreneurship and multinational subsidiaries’ performance in an era of financial crisis and economic uncertainty”, Journal of East-West Business, 24(3): 170-187.
10. Manolopoulos, D., Chatzopoulou, E. and Kottaridi, C. (2018), “Resources, home institutional context and SMEs’ exporting: Direct relationships and contingency effects”, International Business Review, 27(5): 993-1006.
11. Samba, C., Tabesh, P., Thanos, IC., Papadakis, VM (2020). Method in the Madness? A Meta-analysis on the Strategic Implications of Decision Comprehensiveness Strategic Organization, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1476127020904973
12. Sigalas, C. and V. Papadakis (2018), Empirical Investigation of Relationship Patterns between Competitive Advantage and Superior Performance’, Journal of Strategy and Management, 2018, 11,1, 1-32.
13. Teerikangas, S., and Thanos, I.C. Looking into the ‘black box’: unlocking the effect of integration on acquisition performance (2018). European Management Journal, 36(3): 366-380.
14. Thanos, I.C., Papadakis, V.M., Angwin, D.N. (2020). Does changing contexts affect linkages throughout the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) process? A multiphasic investigation of motives, Pre and Post acquisition processes and Performance. Strategic Change, 29(2), 149-164


1. Elbanna, S.*, Kapoutsis, I.*, Mellahi, K.* (2017). Creativity and propitiousness in strategic decision making: The role of positive politics and macro-economic uncertainty. Management Decision, 55, 2218-2236. *Shared first authorship.
2. Kapoutsis, I., Papalexandris, A., Treadway, D.C. and Bentley, J. ‘Measuring Political Will in Organizations: Theoretical Construct Development and Empirical Validation’. Journal of Management, 43,7, 2017, pp. 2252–2280.
3. Kapoutsis, I., Papalexandris, A. and Thanos, I. C. ‘Hard, soft or ambidextrous? Which influence style promotes managers' task performance and the role of political skill’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, in press.
4. Κapoutsis, I., Volkema, R., Lampaki, A. (2017). Mind the first step: The intrapersonal effects of affect on the decision to initiate negotiations under bargaining power asymmetry. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1313. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01313.


1. Epitropaki, O.*, Kapoutsis, I.*, Ellen III, P., Ferris, G., Drivas, K., & Ntotsi, A. (2016). Navigating uneven terrain: The roles of political skill and LMX differentiation in prediction of work relationship quality and work outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, 1078-1103. *Shared first authorship.
2. Jansen, J.J.P., Kostopoulos, K.C., Mihalache, O. and Papalexandris, A. ‘A Socio-Psychological Perspective on Team Ambidexterity: The Contingency Role of Supportive Leadership Behaviors’, Journal of Management Studies, 53,6, 2016, pp. 939-965.
3. Kapoutsis, I. & Thanos, I. C. (2016). Politics in organizations: Positive and negative aspects of political behavior. European Management Journal, 34(3), 310-312.
4. Manolopoulos, D., C. Kitsopoulos, J. Kaldellis, and A. Bitzenis, A., “The Evolution of Renewable Energy Sources in the Electricity Sector of Greece”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 12659-12671
5. Manolopoulos D. FDI Inflows into EU Periphery: The Impact of Compensation on Multinationals’ Decentralized Competence-Exploiting and Competence-Creating Activities”. Global Business and Economics Review, 18.2, 199-215.
6. Sapouna, P., D. Manolopoulos, and P. Dimitratos, P., “How do MNC R&D Laboratory Roles Affect Employee International Assignments?”, Management International Review, 56.5, 759-779.
7. Volkema, R. & Kapoutsis, I. (2016). From restaurants to board rooms: How initiating negotiations teaches management principles and theory. Journal of Management Education, 40(1), 76-101.


1. Grougiou, V., Moschis, G., & Kapoutsis, I. (2015). Compulsive buying: The role of earlier-in-life events and experiences. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 32(4), 278-289.
2. Grougiou, V., Kapoutsis, I., Moschis, G., & Mathur, A. (2014). The impact of early life experiences on young adults’ compulsive buying tendencies. Advances in Consumer Research, 42, 496.



1. Manolopoulos D. FDI Inflows into EU Periphery: The Impact of Compensation on Multinationals’ Decentralized Competence-Exploiting and Competence-Creating Activities”. Global Business and Economics Review, 2014 (forthcoming).
2. Thanos, I, S. Elbanna and V. Papadakis’, ‘Understanding how the Contextual Variables Influence Political Behaviour in Strategic Decision-Making: A Constructive Replication’, Journal of Strategy and Management, 7,3, 2014, pp. 226-250.


1. Kapoutsis, I., Volkema, R., & Nikolopoulos, A. (2013). Initiating negotiations: The role of bargaining power, machiavellianism, and risk propensity. Group Decision and Negotiation, 22(6), 1081-1101.
2. Papadakis V. and Lyriotaki M. Career Impact: The Missing Link Influencing Strategic Decision Making Processes? International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2013, 12, 2 pp. 121-145.
3. Volkema, R., Kapoutsis, I., & Nikolopoulos, A. (2013). Initiation behavior in negotiations: The moderating role of motivation on the ability-intentionality relationship. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 6(1), 32-48.


1. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A., Thanos I., Nikolopoulos A. The Role of Political Tactics on the Organizational Context - Career Success Relationship. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2012, 23(9), 1908–1929.


1. Kapoutsis I., Papalexandris A., Nikolopoulos A., Hochwarter W. A., and Ferris G. R. Politics perceptions as moderator of the political skill - job performance relationship: A two-study, cross-national, constructive replication. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 2011, 78(1), 123-135.
2. Kostopoulos K., Papalexandris A., Papachroni M. and Ioannou G. Absorptive Capacity, Innovation, and Financial Performance. Journal of Business Research, 2011, 64(12), 1335–1343.
3. Manolopoulos D., Dimitratos P. and Sapuna P. An Investigation into International Assignment Directions of R&D MNE Employees: Evidence from Greece. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011, 22(5): 1093-1108.
4. Manolopoulos D., Dimitratos P. and Sofokitis, M. Predictors of Career Preferences of MNC Knowledge Professionals. Personnel Review, 2011, 40(4): 466-484.
5. Manolopoulos D., Soderquist E. and Pearce R. Coordinating Decentralized R&D Laboratories: Evidence from Foreign Subsidiaries in Greece. Journal of International Management, 2011, 17(2): 114-129.



1. Papadakis V. and Thanos I. “Measuring the Performance of Acquisitions. An Empirical Investigation Using Multiple Criteria”. British Journal of Management, 2010 Vol. 21(4), 859-873.
2. Soderquist K. E., Papalexandris A., Ioannou G. and Prastacos G.P. From task based to competency-based: A typology and process supporting a critical HRM transition. Personnel Review, 2010, 39(3), 325-346.



1. Manolopoulos D., Dimitratos P., Lioukas S. and Young, S. Technology Sourcing and Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Greece: The Impact of MNE and Local Environmental Contexts. Management International Review, 2009, 49(1): 43-60.

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